Abstract | Serijom slika „Odnosi“ bavim se temom ljudskih odnosa: međusobnih odnosa, odnosa samih sam sobom i odnosa prema unutarnjem i vanjskom svijetu. Ljudski lik prikazala sam kroz izdužene, geometrizirane figure koje su razlomljene, skučene i isprepletene, smještene u ograničen prostor. Inspirirana sam djelima Giorgia de Chirica čije su figure reducirane i stilizirane, poput egejskih skulptura koje su bile preteča postmodernizmu, te djelima Antonya Gormleya koji kroz svoje skulpture i instalacije figura istražuje odnos ljudskog tijela prema prostoru. Osim figurama, bavim se i prostorom koji je također pojednostavljen. Boja ima ulogu prikazivanja emocija koje prevladavaju slikom, a linija povezuje figure s prostorom. Koristim zagasite, nečiste boje u tamnijem spektru, ponekad lazurno nanesene na podlogu, koje odgovaraju atmosferi slike, a ponekad je boja gusta, jednolika i tamnija, te predstavlja zatvoren prostor u kojoj je figura zarobljena. Koristila sam razne slikarske i crtačke tehnike poput akrila, akvarela, ugljena i krede. Većina slika je naslikana su na podlozi od medijapana, no slikala sam i na platnu. |
Abstract (english) | With the series of paintings "Relationships", I deal with the topic of human relationships: mutual relationships, relationships with myself and relationships with the inner and outer world. I presented the human figure through elongated, geometric figures that are broken, cramped and intertwined, placed in a limited space. I am inspired by the works of Giorgio de Chirico, whose figures are reduced and stylized, like the Aegean sculptures that were the forerunner of postmodernism, and the works of Antony Gormley, who explores the relationship of the human body to space through his sculptures and installations of figures. In addition to figures, I also deal with space, which is also simplified. The color has the role of showing the emotions that prevail in the picture, and the line connects the figures with the space. I use dull, impure colors in a darker spectrum, sometimes azure applied to the base, which match the atmosphere of the painting, and sometimes the color is dense, uniform and darker, and represents a closed space in which the figure is trapped. I used various painting and drawing techniques such as acrylic, watercolor, charcoal and chalk. Most of the pictures are painted on a mediapan base, but I also painted on canvas. |