Abstract | Potaknuta vlastitim iskustvima, traumama i osjećajima u ovom diplomskom radu kroz seriju radova
rađenih u tehnici dubokog tiska i mediju crteža istražujem prikazivanje i pohranu vlastitih
psiholoških stanja. Radovima interpretiram motiv žene u različitim prikazima, čija je simbolika
odraz tih različitih stanja. Potaknuta negativnim komponentama vlastitog privatnog života kao što
su tuga, strah, gubitak voljenih osoba, odlučila sam se baviti temom psiholoških stanja žene kao
nečime što mi se nametnulo, te mi je blisko i intimno, dajući joj komponentu univerzalnih, srodnih
osjećaja prepoznavanja drugih žena u likovnim motivima. Ženski lik se u svakoj „inscenaciji“
mojih grafičkih listova involvira i kreće imaginarnim prostorom te je u samom početku
najslobodniji u svom kretanju, dok sa svakom sljedećom scenom poprima zatvoreniji, ograničeniji,
zagonetniji položaj. U zadnjem prikazu lik žene potpuno je zgrčen u položaj fetusa, a njegova se
simbolika krije u želji za skrivanjem i nestajanjem u sigurnosti zamišljene utrobe, u kojoj ujedno
hibernira s potpunom lakoćom, a čije blagostanje nagovješta moguću transformaciju. Grafičke
listove izvela sam u tehnikama bakropisa i , koristeći se strategijom scenarija i vizualnog narativa
„povlačenja u utočište“ u prikazu ženskog tijela.
Temeljna poruka tih grafičkih listova je prikaz vlastite intime kojom želim potaknuti publiku na
spoznaju o njihovom nedostatku i gubitku, čiji rezultat promatranja otvara preispitivanje ali i
djelovanje kao ključnog proisteka napretka i prevladavanja osobnih prepreka. |
Abstract (english) | Motivated by my own experiences, traumas and feelings, in this thesis, through a series of works
made in the gravure graphics and the medium of drawing, I explore the display and storage of my
own psychological states. Through the works, I interpret the motif of women in different
representations, whose symbolism is a reflection of these different states. Motivated by the
negative components of my own private life such as sadness, fear, loss of loved ones, I decided to
deal with the topic of women's psychological states as something that was imposed on me, and is
close and intimate to me, giving it a component of universal, related feelings of recognizing other
women in artistic motifs. In every "staging" of my graphic sheets, the female character gets
involved and moves through the imaginary space and is the freest in her movement at the very
beginning, while with each subsequent scene she assumes a more closed, limited, enigmatic
position. In the last depiction, the figure of the woman is completely curled up in the fetal position,
and its symbolism is hidden in the desire to hide and disappear in the safety of the imagined womb,
in which she hibernates with complete ease, and whose well-being hints at a possible
transformation. I made the graphic sheets in the techniques of etching and reservage using the
strategy of the scenario and the visual narrative of "retreating to refuge" in the representation of the
female body.
The basic message of my graphic sheets is the presentation of my own intimacy, with which I want
to encourage the audience to become aware of their lack and loss, the result of which observation
opens the questioning but also action as a key product of progress and overcoming personal
obstacles |