Sažetak | U ovom diplomskom radu istraživat ću područje 'soft arta' i općenito umjetnost tekstila i umjetnike koji se bave tekstilom. Fokus samog rada je na transformaciji svakodnevnih uporabnih predmeta i propitkivanju njihove funkcionalnosti, s ciljem da interakcija s publikom budi pozitivne emocije. Ovaj rad je prostorna instalacija velikih dimenzija, izrađena od deka, spužva i svakodnevnih predmeta. U tekstu se opisuje povijest tekstila kros tisuće godina, tj. od kamenog doba pa do danas. Također je opisan razvoj samog tekstila uz razna pomagala i ručni rad. Spominju se materijali poput pamuka, svile, vune i poliestera te industrijalizacija i masovna proizvodnja istih. U ovome se radu donosi i kratka refleksija na prijašnje vlastite radove koji su direktno vezani uz ovaj rad. Analizirani su razni umjetnici koji su u svojem stvaralaštvu koristili tekstil, na primjer Christo i Jeanne-Claude, Faig Ahmed, Louise Bourgeois, Sarah Zapata, Amanda Browder, Anton Alvarez, Meret Oppenheim, Jon Rafman... Vlastite radove povezala sam s njihovim radovima te uočila kako imamo slične ciljeve u umjetničkom izražavanju. U ovom diplomskom radu opisujem vlastiti koncept i razloge izrade ovog rada te prikazujem i opisujem praktični dio rada. U njemu analiziram načine izrade, spajanja, zamatanja i lijepljenja koje sam koristila pri radu. Rad završavam zaključkom u kojem se osvrćem na vlastiti cilj i ono što želim prenijeti posjetiteljima izložbe. |
Sažetak (engleski) | In this thesis I will explore the field of 'soft art' and, in general, textile art and the artists who work with textiles. The focus of the work itself is on the transformation of everyday objects and questioning their functionality, with the aim that the interaction with audience arouses positive emotions. This work is a large spatial installation made of blankets, sponges, and everyday objects. The text describes the history of textiles over thousands of years, from the Stone Age to the present day. The development of the textile itself is also described, along with various tools and manual work. Materials such as cotton, silk, wool, and polyester are mentioned, along with their industrialization and mass production. In this paper, a short reflection on previous own works that are directly related to this work is presented. Various artists who used textiles in their work were analyzed, such as Christo and Jeanne-Claude, Faig Ahmed, Louise Bourgeois, Sarah Zapata, Amanda Browder, Anton Alvarez, Meret Oppenheim, Jon Rafman... I connected my own works with their works and noticed that we have similar goals in artistic expression. In this thesis, I desribe my own concept and reasons for creating this work and I present and desribe the practial part of the work. In it, I analyze the methods of creating, assembling, wrapping and gluing that I used in my work. Finally, I conclude by reflecting on my goal and what I want to convey to the visitors of the exhibition. |